Town of Meteor - Sawyer County - Meteor, Wisconsin
November 2023
The Town Board meeting for the Town of Meteor was called to order on Nov 13, 2023 @7:00pm Meteor Community Center with all members present. Also present were 4 residents.
Open Meeting Requirements were met by posting.
Hayward paper notification was done.
Disposition of Minutes: Approved by a Welling/White motion.
Treasurer’s Report: Approved by a Welling/White motion.
ATV/UTV speed limit Cty C: After discussion, an Olson/White motion was approved for Chair Olson
Correspondence: MFL amendment. 1 parcel changed from open to close.
Old Business:
Kathy Baker project update, not present.
Shed safety/security; remotes not yet programmed..
Multi-Dwelling Ord Amendment Process. Olson gave a report.
Emergency contact card. We received 105 replies so far. Lots of thank you’s.
Dump truck sale. No takers yet. Olson can work more with the asking price.
Budget Review: Done
Chairman Olson. Nothing to report.
New Business:
Old loader blade sale. Approved the sale.
Matt Kormann arrived with terrible news. The rest of the meeting was suspended except for paying bills.
Bills: Approved vouchers 12161-12177 Welling/White motion
Adjournment: Welling/White motion approved adjournment.
Clarence Frey, Clerk